VšĮ Padėk Beglobiui / Public Company Help the Stray
VšĮ Padėk Beglobiui padeda bešeiminikėms katėms išgyventi: šeria laukines kates, gydo susirgusius gyvūnus, ieško namų naujai gimusiems, ir dalyvauja PSP ( Pagauk - Sterilizuok - Paleisk) programoje. Mūsų savanoriams pastoviai trūksta pagalbos, kačių maisto ir pinigų apmokėti vet sąskaitas.
Non-profit Organization "Help the Stray" give their best to help feral and abandoned cats to survive: feed feral cat colonies, take them to a vet if necessary, and carry out Trap-Neuter-Return Programs. Every day, our volunteers work as hard as they can to make a difference in the short and difficult lives of feline friends that are living on the edge. Making the world a better place for all is not easy: what we desperately need is helping hands, high-quality cat food, and money to pay vet bills.